How to add, correct or change the translation in Elips? (from the V1.2.0)

Elips is translated up to now in english and french and a little bit in german.

The translations are not always correct, or nice. Or you could want to add a new language like italian, etc...

It is quite easy to achieve this goal. There are two cases.

1) You want to correct the translation

The translations files are located at the following adress : $(ElipsHome)/WEB-INF./classes/org/gyx/elips/internationalization.

There exist two file $(myLanguage).properties and jsp_$(myLanguage).properties by language.

Choose your language files, and open them with notepad for instance... These files contain key/value rows. Change the value strings you don't find correct... and save the file. Restart then your tomcat service and your application is ready to run.

2) you want to add a new language

To add a new language, it is quite easy too... Copy the $(myOldLanguage).properties and jsp_$(myOldLanguage).properties into the $(myNewLanguage).properties and jsp_$(myNewLanguage).properties in the same directory... Translate the values into the target language...

You also have to copy the db_udpd_$(myOldLanguage) into db_upd_$(myNewLanguage) and also translate this file..

Once everything done, you only have to change in the $(ElipsHome)/WEB-INF./classes/org/gyx/elips/config/ file in the target language...and it is OK... Restart the tomcat service and enjoy!!!!

Please, if you make some changes, or if you add other languages, send them to us for updating the software!!!
